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My Journey so far...

My Weight Control Journey

By the time I was fifty, I felt like an old man. I had already been through numerous orthopedic surgeries, and I was taking a fistful of prescription…

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Get Back On Your Plan

Bouncing Back After a Slip

If you’ve been working hard to improve your eating habits, it can be discouraging when you slip-up. Maybe you overindulged at a party or ate

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How Low Can To Go?
Getting Started

Ketosis and Meal Replacement Therapy: How Low To Go?

In “fat-burning” mode, your body breaks down fats into ketones and uses them for energy. This process is called ketosis, and it’s the reason you hear so much about ketogenic diets, also called keto diets or simply keto. When you achieve ketosis, your body

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Why is change hard?
Getting Started

Change For Good: Making changes that last

It’s not easy to make lasting changes to our behavior. We often start out with the best of intentions, but before long we find ourselves slipping back into old patterns. Why is it so hard to change?

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