Maintaining Weight Loss: obey the traffic signals

Traffic Signal
Traffic Signal

Maintaining Weight Loss: obey the traffic signals

For most people, losing weight is very achievable, but maintaining that weight loss can seem impossible.Ā Unfortunately, losing significant weight and then regaining it is an all too familiar story. Constantly losing and gaining weight wreaks havoc on your metabolism over time and crushes your resolve. So what can we do to break this cycle of yo-yo dieting?

You Need a Weight Maintenance Plan

If you read about My Weight Control Journey in our blog, you know that I lost 100 pounds using betterMD nutrition products. While I’m happy about my weight loss success, I’m even more proud of keeping the weight off!

Over the last several years my weight maintenance plan has evolved into what I call the… Green / Yellow / Red Light Rule

Green Light - On Track

When my weight is within 5 pounds of my goal weight (either over or under), I am in the Green Zone! 

Action: Keep doing what’s working

*note – if you are more than 5 pounds below your target, it’s time to boost your intake and increase your weight to put you back in the Green Zone. Contact betterMD Support for assitance.

Yellow Light - Caution

When my weight is between 5 and 10 pounds above my goal weight, I am in the Yellow Zone!Ā 

Action: Something is amiss and it’s time to start tracking intake and activity levels… and to focus on eliminating poor nutrition choices. It’s not time to panic, but it is time to pay attention to what you’re doing… It’s also a good time to reach out for support from betterMD.

Red Light - Warning

When my weight is more than 10 pounds above my goal weight, I am in the Red Zone!Ā 

Action: Red means STOP. No fooling around, it’s time to stop gaining weight and get back on track. This means return to the plan used during your initial weight loss, usually the most aggressive protocol that you followed. It can be intimidating, but a short-term meal replacement plan can quickly put you back in control.

Contact betterMD Support for help creating your maintenance plan!

Breaking Through Weight Loss Plateaus

Breaking Through Weight Loss Plateaus
Breaking Through Weight Loss Plateaus

Breaking Through Weight Loss Plateaus

When an individual’s rate of weight loss slows or stalls for an extended time despite making no significant changes in their weight loss plan, they are experiencing a weight loss plateau.

Everyone who loses significant weight over a period of time will inevitably face a weight loss plateau. This can feel discouraging, making it difficult to stay motivated.

Contributing factors may include poor sleep, inadequate nutrition, metabolic adaptation, and hormonal imbalance;Ā  but generally plateaus are temporary and pass within a week or two.Ā Most industry experts now understand the plateau effect is the result of your body defending what it considers your “Set Point”.

Set Point Theory

Your body has a “programmed” range for weight and composition that it will constantly seek to defend. This is your “set point” and we believe it’s influenced by many things; habits, hormones, genetics, and brain chemistry, as well as how long you have been at your current weight.

If your weight suddenly drops, your body will fight to bring it back up, and vice versa. Your body will adjust (by using hormones and chemical cues), speeding up or slowing down your metabolism in an attempt to keep your weight at or near this target. This is good news if you’re trying to maintain this “set point,” but not so much when you’re trying to lose weight!

George L Blackburn, MD, Phd, pioneer in medical weight management, published a book on this topic:

Break Through Your Set Point: How To Finally Lose The Weight You Want And Keep It Off

Brief Summary: Dr. Blackburn suggests that losing 10% of your body mass is about the limit of short term sustainable weight loss. But, after 6 months or more of maintaining the loss, Blackburn’s theory is your set point will drop to your new lower weight, allowing you to renew your weight loss efforts with better outcomes. Main take-away: Work with your body, not against it.

Picture This…

Scenario 1) Picture a pole fixed in the ground. Now imagine a long elastic band secures you to the pole. No matter which direction you head, you will reach a point where your progress stops and you get pulled back toward the pole.

Scenario 2) Now, instead of a pole in the ground, let’s say the elastic band connects you to a heavy cart that weighs hundreds of pounds. If you pull hard enough you can actually move the cart, but you have to work really hard and you can only move it a little before the tension of the elastic band pulls you off balance and all progress halts.

When you hit a weight loss plateau it feels like the first scenario, but the second scenario with the cart is probably a better description. Bear with me as I extend this metaphor…

A steady, constant pull is the most efficient way to move the heavy cart. You could try pulling like crazy in short bursts, but you’re going to tire quickly and give up. 

In your weight loss journey, getting through a weight loss plateau is just like pulling that cart. You need to continue doing the things that have brought you success. Keep doing the next right thing over and over and your weight loss will resume.

Work with your body, not against it. Steady, sustained effort will pay off!

Recover from the Holidaze: Why Resolutions Fail

Recover from the Holidaze
Recover from the Holidaze

Recover from the Holidaze: Why Resolutions Fail

Most New Year’s resolutions don’t last all year. Studies have shown that only 8 out of 100 people succeed in sticking to their resolutions.

One reason why this might be is because some people set goals that are too hard or unrealistic to reach. These really tough goals can make a person feel like they have failed, even if they have actually tried really hard.

Another issue is when people look for quick fixes instead of creating long-term habits ā€“although it can be exciting at first, this usually isn’t enough to keep going for the whole year.

Finally, without support and regular check-ins, it’s more difficult to stick with a goal and get results over the course of an entire year.

You need a better PLAN!
...not another New Year's resolution

The last six weeks of the calendar year contain numerous holidays filled with temptations and charged with emotions, often leaving us feeling guilty and remorseful.

Add in a good helping of pressure to “turn over a new leaf” and it’s easy to understand why so many people make, and break… New Year’s resolutions.

If you feel discouraged or depressed you are not alone. Getting back on track can be difficult.

Why is change hard?

Creating good habits, like getting regular exercise, eating healthy foods, and developing positive relationships can go a long way towards improving both physical and mental health.

Have you slipped off-plan recently? Check out this post from Nov, 2022, for some helpful advice.

Get Back On Your Plan

Bouncing Back After a Slip

If you want to build a solid plan to make lasting change, this post from Aug 2021 is a loaded with helpful info.

Set SMART Goals

SMART Goals for Weight Loss: Tips and Strategies

Do this For Yourself...

Let Us help you!

Your life is unique and we have learned that the only way to help people create lasting change is to help them tailor a weight control plan that fits the way they live. 

If you are interested in exploring your weight control options please contact us using the links below.

Bouncing Back After a Slip

Get Back On Your Plan
Get Back On Your Plan

Bouncing Back After a Slip

If you’ve been working hard to improve your eating habits, it can be discouraging when you slip-up. Maybe you overindulged at a party or ate something you knew you shouldn’t have. Or maybe you just feel like you’ve fallen off the wagon completely.

Don’t despair! A single setback is not the end of the road. In fact, it can be a learning opportunity. Use your slip-up as a chance to reflect on what went wrong and how you can prevent it from happening again.

Here are some tips for getting back on track after a dietary slip:

1. Forgive yourself.

It’s important to be kind to yourself after a slip-up. Acknowledge that you are human and that everyone makes mistakes. Remember that one mistake does not mean you have failed. Forgive yourself and move on.

2. Reflect on what went wrong.

Take some time to reflect on what led to your slip-up. Was there a particular trigger? Did you get too hungry or emotional? Once you identify the cause, you can take steps to avoid it in the future.

3. Get back on your meal plan.

If you’ve fallen off your meal plan, it’s important to get back on track as soon as possible. Don’t wait until tomorrow or next week. Start today. Your plan will help you stay on track and avoid unhealthy temptations.

4. Seek support.

If you’re struggling to get back on track, contact us! Or reach out to a friend or family member for support. Talk to someone who will understand and can offer helpful advice.

5. Don’t give up!

A single slip-up is not a reason to give up on your healthy goals. Use it as a learning opportunity and keep moving forward. You can do it!

Your slip is in the past... LET IT GO and take hold of this moment.

Overcome Your Disappointment and Gain Perspective

The cycle of replapse and recovery is a part of behavioral change that everyone must face. It is often filled with setbacks and disappointment, and you must brace yourself for the experience.

This is why your support network is so important to your long-term success. Be sure to tap into that support as a way to help you get back on track.

On a positive note, the recovery process is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes.

So each time you climb back on the horse you get a little better at riding… you will probably fall off again, but you have learned how to dust yourself off and climb back into the saddle.

You are learning how to bounce back!

We are here to help. Contact us for personal support.

Blessings and Well Wishes šŸ™ from betterMD and the Murdy Family

Ketosis and Meal Replacement Therapy: How Low To Go?

How Low Can To Go?

Ketosis and Meal Replacement Therapy: How Low To Go?

How Low Can To Go?

What's My Goal?

The numbers on the bathroom scale get all the attention, but isn’t our real goal to reduce our body fat? Fortunately, that’s exactly what happens when your body doesn’t take in enough energy to satisfy its needs. First, it burns the glucose reserves (glycogen) in your liver, and muscles, which can be depleted in less than 24 hours, before switching to “fat-burning” mode.

Fat-Burning Mode (aka Ketosis)

In “fat-burning” mode, your body breaks down fats into ketones and uses them for energy. This process is called ketosis, and it’s the reason you hear so much about ketogenic diets, also called keto diets or simply keto. When you achieve ketosis, your body becomes incredibly efficient at burning fat for energy.Ā 

In fact, it’s so good at it that it will preferentially burn fat for energy over glucose (carbs). This not only results in rapid weight loss, but also has a host of other health benefits, including improved mental clarity, decreased inflammation, stabilized blood sugar levels, and a feeling of well being.

...mental clarity, decreased inflammation, stabilized blood sugar levels

Very Low-Carb to go Keto

The key to achieving ketosis is to severely restrict your intake of carbs. When you do this, your body has no choice but to burn fat for energy. The problem is that most people don’t know how many carbs they should be eating, or what the right balance of fat and protein is.Ā 

Further complicating matters, the human body requires adequate protein and will canibalize its own lean tissue if your diet does not provide enough protein. Extreme dieting can be dangerous to your health, and in some cases even fatal.

Medical Weight Loss

This was addressed decades ago in the medical community with the creation of Very Low-Calorie Diets (VLCD’s), which allowed patients to consume 500-800 calories each day, while eating low-carb (less than 70g) and low-fat (less than 15g), while also eating high-quality protein (75g or more).Ā 

Patients routinely achieved significant weight loss, averaging as much as twenty pounds of weight loss per month for extended periods of time.Ā 

In a study we conducted for WEA Trust Insurance (NAASO 2001), VLCD patients and bariatric surgery patients had comparable weight loss results at five years, which highlights the success of VLCD therapy.

...averaging as much as twenty pounds of weight loss per month

Popular Treatment Trends

Over the last two decades, VLCD’s have become less popular than a more balanced approach which includes both meal replacement therapy and traditional whole foods. This is sometimes called a “modified” or “partial” meal replacement plan, and there are many variations, both medical and commercial.
There are a number of reasons for the rise in popularity of these modified plans. First, VLCD’s are difficult for most people to sustain. This is because they are restrictive by nature and require a high level of commitment and self-discipline. Second, there is now a better understanding of the role whole foods play in maintaining gut health, which is fundamental for overall health and wellness.

Most approaches use shakes, bars and other nutritionally designed products, with one or two additional meals per day. This meal plan can still lead to rapid weight loss; however, The ketogenic effect is less pronounced and the rate of weight loss will be slower. Regardless, many find the less restrictive plan to be easier to follow.

How to Measure Ketosis

The most precise way to measure ketosis is by blood testing with a glucometer, which can be done in both medical and non-medical settings. Urine testing isn’t as accurate but may provide complementary information when used alongside blood tests. However, for the majority of people dieting, the amount of ketones present will not show up on an at-home urine testā€”that’s more fit for diabetics testing for ketoacidosis.

In most cases, it will take two to three days for the transition to a fat-burning metabolism. Over the first 24 hours you will burn up your carb reserves and shed water (think frequent bathroom breaks). You may get dizzy or lightheaded, and headaches are also a possibility. Stay hydrated and follow your nutrition plan and within the next day or so, you will begin to feel better. Your energy level and lack of appetite will be the best indicator that you are on track.

Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that if you want to achieve ketosis, you need to restrict your carb intake. However, there is no need to go to extremes. A more balanced approach, which includes both meal replacement therapy and traditional whole foods, is more sustainable and can still lead to rapid weight loss.
So, how low should you go? It really depends on your individual goals and preferences. If you’re looking to lose weight quickly and don’t mind being restrictive, then a Total Meal Replacement plan may be right for you. If you want to lose weight at a slower pace and are interested in maintaining gut health, then a Modified Meal Replacement plan may be a better option. Ultimately, the best approach is the one you can stick with long-term.

If you’re ready to make lasting changes in your life, our team is here to help. We have the experience and expertise necessary to help you create a personal plan that fits your lifestyle. Let’s get started today!

Change For Good: Making changes that last

Why is change hard?

Change For Good: Making changes that last

Why is change hard?

Why is it a struggle to make lasting changes?

It’s not easy to make lasting changes to our behavior. We often start out with the best of intentions, but before long we find ourselves slipping back into old patterns. Why is it so hard to change? And more importantly, how can we make changes that actually stick?

What do we mean when we say "lasting changes"?

When we talk about making lasting changes to our behavior, we’re referring to changes that are permanent and sustainable. This means that the new behaviors we adopt need to be something we can stick with for the long haul, not just for a few weeks or months.

It’s important to be realistic about what we can accomplish in the short-term, and focus on building habits that will eventually become second nature.

The difficulties of making lasting changes

Making lasting changes to our behavior can be difficult for a number of reasons.

Requires Patient Determination

First, we often have a hard time breaking old habits and replacing them with new ones. Second, even when we do manage to change our behavior, it’s not always easy to maintain that change over the long run. And finally, it’s often difficult to see tangible results from our efforts in the short-term, which can lead us to give up prematurely.

Must Break Old Patterns

One of the many challenges we face when trying to make lasting changes is overcoming inertia. Our natural tendency is to stick with what’s comfortable and familiar, even if those behaviors are harmful or no longer serve us. Breaking out of our comfort zone can be daunting, but it’s essential if we want to make lasting changes. And to really succeed in making those changes, we need to replace our old behavior with new habits that are positive and productive.

Remain Calm - Stay Balanced

It’s also important to respect the power of emotions when it comes to staying motivated. When things go wrong, or we face setbacks (which is inevitable when pursuing ambitious goals), the negative emotions we feel can undermine our determination and quickly turn a minor slip into a major relapse.

Tips for creating a personal plan that works for you

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to creating a personal plan that will help you change your behavior. What works for one person may not work for another, and what works in the short-term may not be sustainable in the long-term. That said, here are some general tips that can help you get started.

  1. Start by identifying the behaviors you want to change.
  2. Set realistic goals that challenge you but are still achievable
  3. Create a timeline for reaching those goals, and break them down into specific steps
  4. Make a commitment to yourself and be willing to put in the effort required to make change happen.
  5. Find positive ways to reward yourself when you reach milestones.
  6. If you experience setbacks, don’t let them derail you. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again.

Be patient with Yourself.

Just remember that lasting change takes time, so be patient with yourself and don’t give up too soon. You might not always see the instant results that you seek, but in the end it will all be worth it when you’re in better shape, feeling healthier and living a happier life.

In summary

Despite the difficulties of modifying your behavior, changes can be made and sustained over time. We can help you set realistic goals and form a personal plan that works for you. We will provide support and encouragement when setbacks occur, and together we’ll celebrate your success!

If you’re ready to make lasting changes in your life, our team is here to help. We have the experience and expertise necessary to help you create a personal plan that fits your lifestyle. Let’s get started today!

Surviving Holidays and Special Events

Holiday Survival
Holiday Survival

Surviving Holidays and Special Events

Holidays and special events should be times of great joy, but dieters approach these occasions with fear and panic. Why? Because a celebration’s not a celebration without tons of high-calorie, tempting foods. Does this mean that you have to become anti-social to avoid temptation? Not if you plan a “survival” strategy beforehand and stick to it. This strategy should address actions before, during, and after the event.

Holidays and special events are usually non-stop cues for eating. Trays of nibbles are set out, alcohol is served in abundance, and meals are served that could feed an entire army battalion. Besides physical food cues, stress of preparation, the letdown after the event, and the depression triggered by sad memories, often prompt emotional eating.

HolidayĀ Survival Tips

On the day of the event, there are several ways you can control your eating. These tips can reduce stress and associated eating cues before they happen.

āœ…Ā  Eating a betterMD nutrition product or high-bulk foods, such as an apple, salad, or bowl of whole-grain cereal, can fill you up beforehand so you don’t overeat.

āœ…Ā  As soon as you get to the function, look over the food and pick out a few “special” foods to eat and skip all the others.

āœ…Ā  Eat slowly and savor every bite to maximize your enjoyment. By allowing yourself selected delicious foods, you can enjoy yourself without needing to pile on everything in sight.

āœ…Ā  Just to be on the safe side, you might want to cut back your intake for a few days before and after so you can have a little extra at your celebration.

What you do on Thanksgiving is far less important than what you do before and after the party.

If You Are Hosting an Event

Plan Ahead – If you’re doing the entertaining, the preliminary work can be especially taxing. With hectic schedules, there never seems to be enough time to plan, clean, shop, and cook. You can help yourself by practicing time management and getting help from others. To plan your time, sit down and write out daily schedules for the weeks before the event. Determine what you can reasonably do in that time frame and when you plan to do it.

Accept Help – Remember that you don’t have to do everything yourself. Get your spouse, children, and other relatives involved with the cleaning, shopping, and cooking. For example someone can go to the grocery store, while others clean assigned areas of the house, and your guests are probably happy to bring some of the food. If it’s in your budget, consider hiring help to clean, cater meals, and serve food.

Menu Planning – In planning the types of food to serve, why not choose healthier, low-calorie alternatives? You don’t necessarily have to give up traditional favorites if you modify recipes to cut down on sugar and excessive calories. For instance, turkey stuffing can be made with sauteed onions and celery in broth rather than butter. A simple way to cut calories in gelatin molds is to use sugar-free gelatin. Take a look at your recipes to see if you can eliminate or decrease some ingredients or substitute lower calorie alternatives. You can feel good about helping your friends and relatives eat healthier!

It’s also a great time to establish new traditional dishes. There are lots of low-calorie, gourmet cookbooks on the market. Look through some to see if any of the delicious dishes would fit into your entertainment.

Leftovers Can Be Challenging

Try these strategies to minimize “leftover hangover”

šŸ‘Ā  Too often food goes into your mouth rather than the storage container, even if you’re already stuffed. Chewing sugarless gum or asking others to help in cleaning up can decrease your chances of nibbling on leftovers.

šŸ‘Ā  You can prevent next-day, high-calorie consumption by giving take-home packages to your guests, taking food into work, or dividing leftovers into small-portion homemade TV dinners.

šŸ’ÆĀ  Probably the best way to avoid the leftover problem is to not cook so much food in the first place. Everyone will be satisfied and less “bloated” afterwards if you cook only enough to serve your guests.

Holiday Goodies and Treats

What do you do if your friends and family traditionally give baked goods, gourmet food baskets, candy, or alcohol for gifts? Beforehand, tell everyone about your diet and ask them to forego food gifts. If you still get them, thank the person, but later give the food away to friends, neighbors, or co-workers. This way, you won’t hurt the giver’s feelings, and you’ll eliminate temptation.

The Reason for the Season

The final suggestion for handling holidays and special events is to return to the original intention of these occasions. They’re intended as social gatherings with friends and families, not food orgies. Start emphasizing the social interactions. Plan group activities that everyone will enjoy. If possible, include group walks or physical activities that are fun and burn calories! By enjoying the company of others, you can focus on fellowship instead of food.

Blessings and Well Wishes šŸ™ from betterMD and the Murdy Family

Beating the Holiday Blues

sad woman
sad woman

Beating the Holiday Blues

In the real world, many people experience the holiday blues – feelings of sadness or loneliness. These feelings often stem from the stress and fatigue of trying to do too much during the holidays, or from setting unrealistic expectations. For many people, the inability to be with family can lead to the blues. Still others feel the loss of loved ones more acutely during the holidays, making even the most festive celebrations difficult.

Fortunately, there are things you can do to help beat the blues this holiday season:

ā˜‘ļø. Be realistic – Every holiday season doesn’t have to be your best ever. Keep expectations for the holiday season manageable. Don’t overestimate what you can and will do. Instead, pace yourself, organize your time, and make a list and prioritize your most important activities.

ā˜‘ļø. Practice moderation – Excesses can take their toll. Whether it’s food, drink, parties or spending, be conservative. Make your celebrations healthy by including low-calorie snack options and alcohol-free beverages. Get plenty of sleep and keep up your activity level. Set some specific limits to spending, and consider gifts of time or handmade presents.

ā˜‘ļø. Let go of the past – Don’t set yourself up for disappointment by thinking everything has to be just like the “good old days.” Life brings changes. Each holiday season is different and can be enjoyed in its own way. Look toward the future. As families change and grow, traditions may need to change as well.

ā˜‘ļø. Try something new – Experiment with new ways to enjoy the holidays. Create some new traditions. Go on a family vacation or volunteer your time to a favorite charity.

ā˜‘ļø. Seek out the people you love – Spend time with people who are supportive and who care about you. Reach out to make new friends if you are alone during the holidays. Contact someone with whom you have lost touch.

ā˜‘ļø. Do something for someone else – Getting involved and helping others can be a great way to lift your spirits. It’s also a good way to make new acquaintances. Try searching for volunteer opportunities in your area, there is no shortage of people in need.

ā˜‘ļø. Consider your health – Get plenty of sleep and schedule time for activity. Not only will increased activity help fend off extra pounds; it will make you feel more refreshed and less fatigued. Also, find personal time for yourself.

Remember the reason for the season... be kind to everyone, and be especially kind to yourself.

ā˜‘ļø. Be realistic about others – People do not change just for the holidays. Set differences aside, and try to accept family members as they are. Leave old grievances or discussions about differences until a more appropriate time. It makes no sense to hope that somehow “this year will be different” only to feel resentful when it is not.

ā˜‘ļø. Reflect on the season – Take a few minutes every day to reflect on the joy of the season, and to be thankful for your family, your health and the blessings of your life.

ā˜‘ļø. Don’t ignore your feelings – If you suffer from the holiday blues, don’t avoid your negative feelings. Talk with someone you trust about what you are experiencing, and try to get another perspective on it.

When you’re feeling worse than blue…

Don’t ignore severe symptoms of depression, because it is the holidays. The “holiday blues” are relatively mild, time-limited and non disruptive vs. Depression, which has a significant impact on your ability to cope day to day.

Be aware that prolonged or severe sadness accompanied by feelings of worthlessness, loss of energy, diminished interest in activities, significant appetite and sleep changes or thoughts of suicide may signal a treatable problem that should be evaluated by a mental health professional. If you, or someone close to you is suffering from depression, seek help from a qualified mental health professional.

My Weight Control Journey

My Journey so far...
My Journey so far...

My Weight Control Journey

My weight history is not unique. I was an average weight child, for the most part, but I do remember being embarrassed about being dragged to the ā€œHuskyā€ section of the boys department in Sears. Even as a child I knew that it was a code word for ā€œfat boys,ā€ and something to be avoided.

Through early adulthood, I managed my weight by being active. I had physical jobs and an outdoor lifestyle.Ā Then, like many others, I suffered a series of physical injuries, which led to declining activity levels. I made things worse by making poor lifestyle decisions, which accelerated my weight gain.

By the time I was fifty, I felt like an old man.


I had already been through numerous orthopedic surgeries, and I was taking a fistful of prescriptions every day (actual photo of my meds!)

The really sad part is… I had accepted it.

Now up until this point, my story is relatively common. It gets more interesting when you consider the fact that I had already founded betterMD, a medical weight management company, and we had successfully helped thousands of patients lose weight.

My ā€œdo as I say, not as I doā€ lifestyle made me a world-class hypocrite.Ā I was coaching new patients to eat better, exercise regularly and do the hard work of changing their lifestyles.Ā But was I doing it? Not so much!

Don’t get me wrong, I had lost thirty to forty pounds on more than one occasion by following a very low calorie diet. However, even with all my knowlege and experience, I always regained more weight than I lost.

My weight gain continued and my health suffered, but worse…

I had accepted this as a life sentence that would never change.


We are all capable of making better choices, which can lead to lasting change.

This became clear to me in 2016, when I chose to quit drinking. I had battled with alcohol (and suffered because of it) for many years. My recovery is an amazing and ongoing blessing, but that’s a story for another day. I use this milestone to mark the turning point in my weight control journey for several reasons:

I am five and a half feet tall and my highest weight was 248 pounds. When I decided it was time to take action, I realized if I wanted a different outcome, I was going to need a new approach. In the past, Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) plans had worked well for losing weight quickly, but not so well for keeping my weight off.

The challenge was how to achieve:

1) Fast, effective weight loss in the beginning;

2) Followed by steady, sustained weight loss;

3) Resulting in long-term weight control.

Fast, effective weight loss

I managed the first phase of my journey without too much struggle, since I had successfully used meal replacements many times before… I zipped through the first couple months averaging twenty pounds of weight loss a month. Now, that is highly motivating!

It was at this point, down forty pounds, that I made an important discovery. I was starting to get what I refer to as, “diet fatigue,” which was historically the point at which I would stop dieting and try to “eat healthy.” To be honest, this was usually the point at which my weight loss ended and the weight gain would begin.

I decided that instead of cutting back on meal replacements, I would modify my plan by adding more fresh, whole foods, and a lean, portion-controlled meal.

Steady, sustained weight loss

I found that even at this higher calorie level, my weight loss continued to average around ten pounds a month. Even more surprising, I discovered that my feelings of “missing out” and “self-denial” faded quickly. I learned what worked for me, and how to fit my plan into my daily life.

Over time, as I lost another sixty pounds I made another set of discoveries. My taste preferences were shifting. I found myself enjoying fresh foods more and this led to another important observation:

Making good nutrition choices crowds out the poor ones.

This part of my journey was pleasant. I felt better most all the time. I kept betterMD shakes and nutrition bars on hand and I tried to take something every 2 hours. As long as I spaced my nutrition evenly throughout the day, it seemed effortless. It was like being on auto-pilot. And if I had a slip, I could shake it off and go right back to my routine.

As I continued to lose weight I began to focus on fitness. My physical capabilities increased steadily, and I was able to rehab decades-old injuries, specifically the ankle and knee of my right leg. This enabled me to do things I hadn’t done for many years, things I had given up hope of ever doing again…

…and the more I moved, the better I felt.

…SUPER BONUS – By this point I was no longer taking any of the medication in the picture above!Ā 

I wanted to shout from a mountain top... "IT'S NOT TOO LATE. IF I CAN DO THIS, SO CAN YOU!"
betterMD ico round
Mike Murdy

Long-term weight control

The good feelings I got from each small win seemed to fuel a positive upward spiral, which was a welcome change from my usual pattern of yo-yo dieting. After losing 100 pounds, I was nervous about changing the plan that helped me lose so much weight so easily. I was determined to figure out how to adapt my simple plan to achieve long-term weight control.

Then it struck me…

I didn’t need to modify my plan as much as I needed to change the way I was looking at it. As long as I continued using betterMD products, I could be selective in my food choices without being undernourishedā€”or hungry!

By this time I had found a long list a healthy, fresh foods I liked and I had a routine that was easy for me to follow. I was getting optimum daily nutrition and I felt good, but it was time to add more calories back into my daily plan.

I started mixing my betterMD shakes with almond milk, skim milk, and eventually 2% Milk. I added MCT oil and ghee to my morning coffee. I experimented with new recipes and healthy foods that I had avoided in the past. I tweaked my program on a frequent basis, following these guidelines:

Continue to use betterMD products for nutrition and hunger suppression

Avoid processed and packaged food as much as possible – EAT FRESH!

Be moderate in all things, easy does it.

My weight control plan continues to evolve as I learn new and exciting things in my daily life. This is a journey, not a destination… and I have decided that the only way I can fail is if I quit. So, I’m going to keep doing what works: I’m listening to my body and nourishing it, I’m taking better care of myself, and I’m feeling better!

My weight loss and the health improvements that came with it have been a blessing to me and my life has improved immeasurably. My journey is uniquely my own, but there are common challenges and obstacles we all face in weight loss. By sharing our stories and our support for each other, we can make a difference.


Join the conversation šŸ˜‰

-Mike Murdy

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